Posted by Jaime J. Rietheimer on April 10, 1996 at 18:06:40:
In Reply to: Utopia/ Millenium go round. posted by G.H. Hovagimyan on January 02, 1996 at 17:28:16:
: Being an icredible optimist I'm always ready to jump on the latest
: bandwagon if it promises HAPPINESS, EUPHORIA, CONNECTEDNESS,
: or just plain fun. Anything to get me out of the absolute
: drudgery of later day capitalist object-making
: and consumption. Right now the web has given me more
: freedom, and more communication with like minded persons
: than any other method I know of. Is this Utopia?
: Let's talk about this a little bit. (On peu)
: Well--as I am incredible optimist myself, I
too, agree utopia is possible. But my definition
of utopia has become corrupted and diluted.
More-over, I no longer seem to know what it means.
Text boox definition, defines it as an ideal society.
Okay, fine. Going further ideal means perfect.
Okay, good! Well it seems people perception of
perfection changes dramtically through their life.
I feel compelled to state my age. And since i am
only 20, quite possibly I am blabbing jibberish.
I have not been able to define perfection. In
order fo a utopia to exist, we need to understand
what it is, what use it has, and maybe even if it is
possible. Ironic, considering the actual translation of
Well, heck i think it is possible. But I haven't enough
validity to backup my statement. I can only knock down
claims that it can't exist. Because saying it is impossible
has even less validity. But nevertheless, a cyberspace utopia
is quite interesting. In a time of great need, where democracy
seems to have failed us, the free spce of the internet would be
a great place to prepare for utopia.
Now, I don't know exactly what I said...heheee.
Well, utopia to exist in "Cyberspace", will need
complete freedom.(sort of) How it is currently seems
half descent. Follow the Golden Rule of Life. No?
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