When the two minds are working in great harmony, wonders emerge.

Bateson once remarked that great art was neither entirely conscious, nor entirely unconscious, but had a full measure of both in its creation.

However, humans get into a sea of trouble when the deep mind loses its synchrony with the surface mind. We have emerged to live in conditions radically different from those that shaped the boundaries of the human. These were, among other things, undoubtedly as nasty and brutish as Hobbes expected.

But, nonetheless, they are different; sufficiently so that the disparity creates its own forms of risk. It is this break with the past that should be of special interest to us, given the potentially self-destructive historical juncture within which we are enmeshed. We begin to suspect that the ruminations of Malthus were not entirely wrong, and a media culture has given society at large the opportunity to experiment with "psychoanalysis in reverse," a rewinding of our cultural tapes into a bizarre form of technological advancement and psychic primitivism.

© 1995 Morgan Garwood sculptures © 1995 Morgan Garwood photography © 1995 Morgan Garwood
all rights reserved